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 nukeSMO(tm) - Social Media Optimization for PHP-Nuke Score: More about Read More... 19886 reads 

No! We're not trying to develop another RavenNuke™ CMS addon - at least not yet.  But it's difficult to ignore the impact of social media, especially Facebook and Twitter - not to mention the hundreds of other recent startups trying to grab a piece of this worldwide market.  Hopefully, that title got your attention.

Community-based content management systems like RavenNuke™ CMS are the original Internet social media sites.  Designed in part to build online communities, content management systems frequently combine membership management functions and a host of user-submitted content, including news, journals (now referred to as blogs), forums (which have evolved into statuses, walls, groups and "pages"), galleries (a la flickr, facebook photos, etc.) and weblinks (now served by, Digg, Stumbleupon, and others).  Just as the mechanisms for social interaction have evolved, community-based content management systems can adapt to take advantage of these new methods of interaction.

This is a first in a series of articles that are intended to help webmasters using RavenNuke™ and other community-based content management systems learn more about social media and how it can be used to interact with and promote your sites.

. Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 01:51:41 CDT


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