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 nukeSEO Dynamic HEAD Tags (title, DESCRPTION, KEYWORDS) Score: Comment 7227 reads 

It's certainly been discussed for some time, and it's the first major effort for the next release of nukeSEO: dynamically-generated title and META tags (i.e. the first part of the HEAD section).  Major efforts are underway (and testing is coming along well) for this significant improvement that will bring PHP-Nuke, RavenNuke and other PHP-Nuke-based distributions into modern times and beyond - at least as far as a significant component of search engine optimization (SEO).  Yes, we know that some search engines don't use keywords.  But most use title and descriptions, so why not throw in the keywords, too?

The preliminary features include:

  • Dynamically generate title, description and keywords tags from Nuke content using a class-based approach (same as the sitemap)
  • Define stop words to remove from dynamically generated keyword lists
  • Override title and all META tags at multiple levels: site, module, category, subcategory and content - for any Nuke content with the ability to add content types

Screenshots of META tags aren't very appealing, so you'll have to wait until the maintenance functions take shape before you can see anything tangible.  But the basic algorithms for generating the tags are being successfully tested and tweaked (quite a bit was done on this today).  Others (e.g. Brian Calloway, developer of CCart Pro and other Nuke addons) are developing enhancements to Nuke modules that may integrate with the structure being put into place for nukeSEO™ Dynamic HEAD Tags (tentatively called nukeSEO DH) to allow title, description and keywords to be specified when the content is created (in order minimize changes to modules, nukeSEO will bolt on, but this requires the content to exist before it can its HEAD tags can be overridden).

Stayed tuned...

. Thursday, February 05, 2009 @ 23:46:55 CST


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