- PHPNuke SEO Search engine optimization, professional tools including nukeSEO, nukeSPAM, nukeFEED, nukePIE, nukeWYSIWYG and more


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 nukeWYSIWYG is coming soon! Score: More about 3843 reads 
nukeWYSIWYG(tm) nukeWYSIWYG, featuring the powerful FCKeditor WYSIWYG HTML editor and kses HTML filtering class, was formalized for possible inclusion in RavenNuke76.  After the release of nukeSEO, we will release nukeWYSIWYG, which provides flexible and secure HTML editing via common browsers.  As opposed to the all-or-nothing, turn-off-HTML checking approach used in PHP-Nuke 7.7 and higher, nukeWYSIWYG allows flexible configuration and control.

nukeWYSIWYG uses an object-oriented approach to provide support for multiple WYSIWYG HTML editors (it will include FCKeditor).  Use nukeWYSIWYG to provide WYSIWYG HTML editing capabilities by replacing HTML textareas with a single line of PHP code.  kses, along with some straightforward modifications to the Nuke core, provides superior HTML filtering and security.
. Friday, December 02, 2005 @ 22:41:58 CST


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