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Based on some excellent prerelease feedback from Montego, Guardian2003 and others, some changes were made to the nukeWYSIWYG ™ addon to accommodate a site switch to disable the WYSIWYG editor and to disable the editor for web crawlers. The site switch allows nukeWYSIWYG ™ to be included in distributions like RavenNuke, where some may not wish to use the WYSIWYG editory. It also allows enabling or disabling the editor at the function level (e.g. enabled for admin functions, but disabled for Submit News). Disabling the editor for web crawlers will save a little bandwidth. Once testing is completed and the documentation is updated (soon!), it will be released.
Keep the ideas, suggestions and requests coming!
Monday, January 02, 2006 @ 14:53:55 CST |