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 nukeBLING courtesy of nukeNAV(tm) 

The pending release of RavenNuke™ 2.4.0 includes nukeSEO™ DH, which uses nukeNAV™ to enable modal popups for overriding the key HEAD tags for a page.  It does this using the jQuery plugin ColorBox.  nukeNAV™ also enables modal popups for user login and search.  But this powerful addition also enable lightbox functionality with either single or grouped images (i.e. for a gallery).  And it's really easy, too!

Here's a sample:

How does it work?  Simple: specify the class colorbox on the link (it can be a text link or an image link like the sample above).  To group several links and / or images in a gallery, specify a common rel attribute on all the links in the group.  In this example, we'll use groupA.

To make it easier, I made some simple modifications to nukeWYSIWYG™ (OK, FCKeditor), based on the excellent Facebox and Slimbox tweaks available from Tricked Out News.

Image Step 1 - For an image, specify a link to the image to be displayed, select a ColorBox group option, and specify a caption (link advisory title) for the lightbox popup.

Image Step 2 - Select a ColorBox group option

Image HTML - View the HTML for a ColorBox lightbox gallery image

Image Gallery Result 1

Image Gallery Result 2

ColorBox from text link - this is a little more complicated, since you can specify other classes a link.  So, you can select the ColorBox group, but you'll need to manually specify the colorbox class and specify the caption as the advisory title.

You can see how easy it is to use nukeWYSIWYG™ with nukeNAV™ and the Colorbox jQuery plug-in to create powerful lightbox functionality for your RavenNuke™ or PHP-Nuke site.  Yes, the FCKeditor tweaks will be available soon for download...

. Posted on Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 23:24:36 CDT by kguske   .