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 nukeSEO Dynamic HEAD Tags prototype 

Development continues on the upcoming nukeSEO™ Dynamic HEAD Tags addon - here's a preview, showing the nukeSEOdh tags block and a popup / modal tag editor with RavenNuke™ 2.3!  The nukeSEOdh block will allow easy editing of page title, description and keywords for any Nuke content (e.g. News, Content, Calendar, etc.) at multiple levels (site, module, category, content).  Read more for additional details...

nukeSEO Dynamic HEAD tags prototype

Currently, the nukeSEOdh block displays the title, description and keyword tags for the current page.  These tags may be specified (overridden) or generated from the content (or from a higher-level content, if the current content doesn't generate sufficient tags). 

After a review and comparison of 11 modal / lightbox scripts, the jqModal plugin for jQuery was selected to provide the modal window for editing HEAD tags. The modal window will either have a save / cancel button or the fields will be edited inline.  The nukeSEOdh block will display the edit link (likely to be replaced with an edit image) and meta details for admins, and may display a keyword tag cloud for visitors.  It isn't practical to edit tags inline in the Nuke block since most blocks aren't wide enough to make such editing practical.  The appearance of the block will definitely be improved (right now, we're focused on making it work - then we'll make it pretty).

If you have suggestions for small images that can represent any of the following, please post a link in the forums:

  • generated (indicating that the tag was generated)
  • overridden (indicating that the tag was specified)
  • levels (one for each: site, module, category, content)

These images might be used in the block and in the edit window.

Stay tuned for more updates...

. Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 01:50:56 CST by kguske   .
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