In the index.php of msearch the function that renders up page numbers for the search results has an error. When a search returns more than 5 pages of results it should show something like 1 2 3 4 5...20 and when a user clicks on 5 it should look like 1...3 4 5 6...20 and so on. Instead clicking on 5 renders 2 3 4 5. Does anyone have any ideas how to make this function properly? Here is the current code for this section:
function showpage($start, $len, $fullen, $func, $pfunc){
// Display a list of items on a page, using $func to format these
// items, and $pfunc to show the links to new pages
global $db;
function pagenum($ar){
$c = '';
if (is_array($ar)){
foreach($ar as $val){
$c .= $val.' ';}}
return $c;}
$lastpage = 1;
if ($len > 0){
for ($x = $start + $len, $i = $start;$i < $x;$i++){
$content .= $func($i);}
$page = ($start / $len);
$pagest = ceil(($fullen / $len));
if ($page < 2){
$page = 2;
} else if ($page > $pagest - 3){
$page = $pagest -2;
if ($pagest == 3){
$page = 2;}}
$pages = array();
if ( $fullen > $len){
for ($x = $fullen / $len, $i = 0;$i < $x;$i++){
$pages[] = (round($start/$len) != $i ? $pfunc($i*$len, $len) : '<b>'.($i+1).'</b>');}
$x = 5;
if ($pagest < 5){
$x = $pagest;}
for ($i = 0;$i < $x;$i++){
$pages2[] = $pages[(($page - 2)+$i)];
$lastpage = $i;}}}
$startlen = ($len ? $start/$len : 0);
return array($content, (round($startlen) > 2 && $pagest > 5 ? $pfunc(0, $len).' '._MSELIPSES.' ' : '').pagenum($pages2).(round($startlen) < $pagest-2 && $pagest > 5 ? ' ... '.$pfunc(($pagest-1)*$len, $len) : ''));}
Sorry! I misunderstood your question. I see what you mean. You really can't see more than 5 pages of results, even though the code suggests that it's possible.
I'm working on the nukeFEED release now, so it may be a little while before I can look into this.
Thank you for the reply! From the coding it appears that pages are meant to be rendered for the entire search result with a sliding list of page numbers. For example a query returning 10 pages of results with the user selecting page five should see something like this:
...2 3 4 5 6...10
When page six is selected it should then look like this:
...3 4 5 6 7...10
and so forth.
The elipses are indicated by _MSELIPSES in line 196 of the index.php. There seems to be a logical or variable error in calculating pages over 5. Currently when a search results in more than five pages slecting page 5 renders:
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