just a thought
Would'nt it be cool if modules admin and blocks admin was combined to make it lets say a Content admin page and use tabs to quickly go from 1 to the other could even add waiting content for news downloads and so on.
And to go even further reorganise the way you navigate the admin section of nuke.
same thing could be done for configuration
with alterations to the way nuke adds images or text links we could add categories
standard admin menu function used in adminmodule.links.php
Code:adminmenu("".$admin_file.".php?op=BannersAdmin", ""._BANNERS."", "banners.gif");
Code:adminmenu("".$admin_file.".php?op=BannersAdmin", ""._BANNERS."", "banners.gif", "Content");
now the adminmenu inside the admin.php gets the Content we passed and used it to create a content category in the new tabbed interface
phpbb uses this to set cat titles
Code:if( !empty($setmodules) )
$file = basename(__FILE__);
$module['General']['Avatar_Management'] = "$file";