on my site i have been getting slammed by user registrations from random names and filling my user table i get around 3-5 a day
my solution i alter the registration i changed all $username to $uname
inputtype= "text" name="uname" size="30" maxlength="25" class="required" minlength="3"
i know it isnt just as simple as renaming this part
i followed the registration to the activation and used uname for all username refernces lets see if this stops it or it is in fact an actual person doing it or a bot i think its a bot as im getting things like this in my sentinel log
i think in raven nuke the YA could do with an admin option to rename certain form fields for example
input name="username"
input name="user_email"
input name="adminschoiceusername"
input name="adminschoiceemail"
after the admin has set them via the admin panel
or another way to go is to maybe use "throw away field names" on each registration a certain field uses a random name generated on registration start and only used on that registration