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Custom RSS Feed Url, $topic, Any Ideas?
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Joined: Aug 26, 2008
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 10:28 am    Post subject: Custom RSS Feed Url, $topic, Any Ideas? Reply with quote

Hello! Thanks for looking at my post.

In the feed creator includes/nukeSEO/content/News.php near the bottom, the article URL is:

return getNukeURL().'modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid='.$id;

Where most sites just use the "News" module, I use 3 different custom homemade modules. I have 3 "$topics", and each custom module only posts $sid from their assigned $topic number. However, I use the same generated nukeSEO feed to join them all together. So what I really need is to figure out how to indentify the $topic number, then use it to set up 3 different url's to show in the feed.

So instead of all feed generated urls being modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=$id OR article-$sid.html, I need the custom url's put in place of these depending on $topic numbers 2, 4 & 5.

Thanks again for everyone who tries to help

Normally I can use something like:
if ($topic=='2') { 

$url = 'address2';
} else

if ($topic=='4') {
$url = 'address-4';
} else

if ($topic=='5') {
$url = 'address5';

echo '' .$url. '-' .$sid. '.html

but this isnt working here. The $topic doesnt seem to be identified or something.

This is really important to me that I figure this out.
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 10:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

When I try this:


   function getLink($id, $catid, $topic)


  if ($topic=='2') {
$url = '' .$first_baseurl. '-';
} else

if ($topic=='4') {
$url = '' .$second_baseurl. '-';
} else

if ($topic=='5') {
$url = '' .$third_baseurl. '-';

 return getNukeURL().'' .$url. '-' .$topic. '' .$id. '.html';

The $url doesnt show. Obviously the $topic is not being given?
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Joined: Dec 25, 2005
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Location: Vsetin, Czech Republic

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 4:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can just echo the $variables back on the page to see if they have a value assigned to them.
If $topic doesn't have a value then your code falls over immediately so you could check for them like

if(empty($topic)) {echo 'No topic id found'; }
// as above but for $url

if ($topic=='2') {
$url = '' .$first_baseurl. '-';
} else

if ($topic=='4') {
$url = '' .$second_baseurl. '-';
} else

if ($topic=='5') {
$url = '' .$third_baseurl. '-';

It is possible that the functions are not returning the variables because they are not assigned, have been cleared as part of a security routine or are not global.
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi! Thanks for your help!

I tried your suggestion. Ive tried others like it. What happens is, the feed crashes, shows up blank and titled: "Feed code error".

As soon as I try to echo anything, it seems to crash. This code seems to be different from the rest of phpnuke, and I just dont recognize it, so I dont know how to work it.

Stuff like:
 $this->activeWhere           = '';

      $this->orderArray            = array
                                      'recent' => 'recent',
                                      'popular' => 'popular',
                                      'rated' => 'rated'
      $this->orderSQLArray         = array
                                      'recent' => 'sid DESC',
                                      'popular' => 'counter DESC',
                                      'rated' => 'score DESC'
      $this->levelArray            = array
                                      'topic' => 'topic',   
                                      'category' => 'category'
      $this->levelSQLArray         = array(
                                      'topic' => 'topic',
                                      'category' => 'catid',


Im assuming that this file includes/nukeSEO/content/News.php is not the output file, but rather is sending the story id to another file gernerator, and that is why I cannot echo anything?

Almost anywhere else on phpnuke I could simply use my code to determine the url based upon the $topic, but not here. And I really need thist to work.....

Anyone else have any ideas? Files I should try, mess around with?
Thanks again for any help or suggestions.
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This line a bit higher:


   function getLink($id, $catid, $topic)

gives the $id. I added the $topic to it, but it still doesnt give the topic. Im assuming I need to find this "getLink" function, but I dont know where it is. It's not in this paticular file.
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PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Got it. I had some special help!
In includes/nukeSEO/content/News.php,
above my special code, I had to call in the topic based upon the $id. I still dont know how this "$id" is getting created, especially since _stories gives a $sid...

I added topic all around this file, mimmicking everywhere similar items were being placed.

I also put this above my special code:
   global $db, $prefix;

   $res = $db->sql_query('SELECT topic FROM '.$prefix.'_stories WHERE sid="'.$id.'" LIMIT 1;');
   $res = $db->sql_fetchrow($res);
$topic = $res['topic'];
$topic = intval($topic);

Thanks again for your help!
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