Just found the time to upload this.
in admin.php?op=nukeSEOmeta under the second field of Select Keyword
I have \n";">\n";">';">\n";">\n";">\n";">\n";">\n";">\n";">\n";">\n";">\n";">\n";">\n";"
For what is the second field ? Is there an example somewhere `?
And what means the priority 0,1,2 ?
/admin.php?op=nukeSEOmeta&seofunc=keywordupdate gives me a blank page.
edit: I think I have to uninstall this completely because my page is now blank.
I usally optimize by hand and its hard to change the behavior but maybe I can figure it out somewhere.
Btw: I´m looking for a sitemap only for my forum. I could install a lofi version or a sitemap. Where would I find a sitemap only for the forum ?