Hi Montego,
Yes, it is turned to true. The sections of code are listed two posts above.
I included links to view and download the modified and unmodified files. If someone can help it will be appreciated.
Also, in an attempt to help you, help me, I am including a piece of code here. This is unmodified code from the News/admin/index.php.
Code: echo "<option value=\"\" $sellang>"._ALL."</option></select>";
} else {
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alanguage\" value=\"\">";
echo "<br><br><b>"._STORYTEXT."</b><br>"
."*textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"12\" name=\"hometext\">$hometext</textarea><br><br>"
."*textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"12\" name=\"bodytext\">$bodytext</textarea><br>"
."<font class=\"content\">"._ARESUREURL."</font><br><br>";
if ($aid != $informant) {
echo "<b>"._NOTES."</b><br>
*textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"4\" name=\"notes\">$notes</textarea><br><br>";
echo "<br><b>"._CHNGPROGRAMSTORY."</b><br><br>"
.""._NOWIS.": $date<br><br>";
$xday = 1;
echo ""._DAY.": <select name=\"day\">";
while ($xday <= 31) {
if ($xday == $datetime[3]) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=\"day\" $sel>$xday</option>";
The white pages occurs when adding the snippit of code from the "read me" file into this index.php file right here
Code: echo "<br><br><b>"._STORYTEXT."</b><br>"
."*textarea wr ap=\"virtual\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"12\" name=\"hometext\">$hometext</textarea><br><br>"
It seems not to matter what I do when I add
Code:wysiwyg_textarea("story", "", "NukeUser", "50", "12");
This line of code. I have changed "story" to say hometext. I have tried changing around the ";" locations. I have added and removed the quote marks. However, everything results in a white page. There are no errors showing on any theme. It is set to true in the config and site. There are no errors in the error log.
Important note
I have had to change the < before "textarea" to a "*" to be able to post here without getting the old Sentinel redirect.
I really have exhausted everything that I can think of .
full files are located about 2 posts above this in downloadable links.
Please try to help