- PHPNuke SEO Search engine optimization, professional tools including nukeSEO, nukeSPAM, nukeFEED, nukePIE, nukeWYSIWYG and more


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It's been a while, but we haven't stopped looking for ways to help websites expand their reach and operate more efficiently.  Since member management continues to be a challenge, especially with the continued onslaught of spammers, the current focus for nukeSEO is on these areas.

Your feedback in the forums will help determine priorities.  Please add comments here, where you'll also find more detailed discussion on these topics.

Currently, we're looking to:

  • RNYA 
    • Replace the grid, search and maintenance functions with the DataTables class used in nukeSPAM
    • Add functions to delete users without notification and add domain / subdomain to the blocked mail domains list
    • Share blocked mail domains list across sites
    • Add tools for removing members who never logged in, identifying members from blocked domains
  • nukeSPAM
    • Integrate nukeSPAM with RNYA for simplified domain blocking (e.g. add this domain / subdomain to the blocked domains list)
    • Integrate nukeSPAM with additional blocking tools for:
      • Email validation services
      • Disposable Email Address lists / services
    • Auto-block domains / subdomains with multiple offenders

Please let us know what you think at


A recent increase of spammer registrations using subdomains (e.g. led to the development of a simple modification to the bad domains check to block all subdomains for specified domains.  This subdomain email address activity was identified by reviewing nukeSPAM™ log.  Instead of individually blocking all (virtually unlimited) variations of subdomains after constantly reviewing the log, it would be much easier to enable blocking of all subdomains.  

Here's how it works:

Instead of specifying a block domain (e.g., specify *. in front of the blocked domain in the RNYA configuration Blocked Mail Domains.

Some examples (including domains found to be using subdomains):

* blocks any address, whether or not it includes a subdomain.

But be careful, though:

*.ru blocks any .ru address, i.e. it is also now possible to block registration by TLD, which may be desired for some sites.

Read more to get the code, and put your comments over at RavenPHPScripts here

As of January 1, the Abusive Hosts Blocking List ( wildcarded all zones no longer in operation, including,, and  This means that these services will return positive responses for any queries.

This causes nukeSPAM, which uses the DNSBL, to block all registrations. To correct this, simply disable the AHBL blocking in the nukeSPAM DNS Blacklists configuration.


Site error logs showed multiple attempts to find certain files (e.g. profile.php, wp-content) that were known to be vulernable, and yet were never in use on the impacted site. This was clearly a bot looking to identify sites that could be compromised.


A 404 page script could unobtrusively block bad bots don't respect robots.txt directives and bots / scanners looking for know vulnerabilities. Basically, it would include a list of files checked by bad bots (not including files used by RavenNuke, for example). It would not rely on potentially-spoofed user agents or IP addresses.

Announcing nukeERROR™, featuring ZB Block, to provide several features for any website that supports PHP, including, but not limited to, PHP-Nuke and RavenNuke-based sites.  nukeERROR™ planned features include:

  • 404 page integration with ZB Block and a custom signature to detect and block vulnerability scanners
  • File-based configuration and logging to reduce resources (compared with database access)
  • Configurable use of Internet Storm Center (ISC) Collaborative 404 reporting (not currently working)
  • Configurable delay to reduce impact of mass attacks (currently fixed)
  • Configurable template, including samples (planned), supporting 403, 404, 405, 408, 500, 502 and 504 error pages with a configurable, single-language message
  • Configurable use of Google Webmaster Tools 404 page search (also depends upon template

If you're interested in participating in a Beta test or have comments or suggestions regarding nukeERROR™, please provide them here.

An analysis of nukeSPAM™ data after a significant increase in blocked registrations on another site yielded some interesting results:

  • Free and throwaway email accounts continue to top the list of spammers (and the site's blocked domain list has been significantly increased)
  • Spammers continue to spoof IP addresses (no surprise)
  • Gmail spammers insert random periods in the user name to enable one account to be used even after the primary email address is blocked

The screenshot of actual nukeSPAM™ data below shows the last 2 points (non-Gmail accounts - the first point - was filtered to highlight these points).  Read more for some ideas on how to prevent this with modifications to nukeSPAM™ and to RNYA.

Gmail Spammer


coRpSE of HeadShot Domain released Version 2 of his spammer registration blocking addon for Evo Xtreme and RavenNuke, which includes several important enhancements and new features, in addition to powerful functions from version 1:

  • Nuke Wait Script - checks response time for automated submissions to block automated registrations
  • Hidden Form Field - checks for values in a fake hidden form field to block automated registrations
  • ( IMPROVED ) Text Removal - displays a field pre-filled with instructions to "Delete All Of This Text!" to block automated registrations
  • ( NEW ) Q&A Check - Asks the user to answer a question to block automated registrations
  • ( NEW ) IP Blacklist Check - checks the user's IP address against the spammer database to block spammer registrations
  • ( NEW ) Email Blacklist Check - checks the user's email against the spammer database to block spammer registrations

Nuke HoneyPot for RavenNuke V2 was optimized for HTML and CSS compliance by neralex and for code style by hicux, demonstrating the benefits of collaborative open source development.

coRpSE also created a YouTube video and a graphic that explain how the tool can be configured and the process for blocking registrations with very little inconvenience to non-spamming new users.  Read more to see this helpful information.

Download Nuke HoneyPot for RavenNuke V2 here.  Free registration is required.

Script Shack releases Site Guardian, their first FREE module in 2014 for RavenNuke(tm)

It became apparent during 2013 that some websites (particularly those on shared hosting accounts) became casualties of some nefarious activities when vulnerable software on the same server became targets. As a result, some website owners became victims through no fault of their own, and this inspired Script Shack to create Site Guardian.


nukeWYSIWYG for RavenCMS by Palbin featuring CKEditor 4.2.1 with plugins Here are some prototype screens of nukeWYSIWYG™ for RavenCMS™ by Palbin featuring CKEditor™ 4.2.1 and loads of plugins.

NOTE: These are prototype functions which may or may not be included in the released product.

Click the image to view screenshots highlighting the modifications, and read more for additional details.

We're excited to be working on some developments to enable the conversion of to RavenCMS.  Although RavenCMS already has Quick Reply and Palbin's Pseudo Subforums, RavenPHPScripts uses other mods that might not be applicable to all sites.

Click the image to view screenshots highlighting the modifications, and read more for additional details.

Stay tuned for updates... (updated December 26, 2013)

soe media's RN GalleryNeralex and SOE Media released RN Gallery, a flexible and dynamic image management module exclusively for RavenCMS.  The goal for RN Gallery is to enable modern, user-friendly, secure image management with user upload capabilities in the tradition of previous CMS image galleries like Coppermine, NukedGallery, 4nAlbum, and 4images (ported).

RN Gallery features:

  • Built-in zoom capabilities (courtesy jQuery: Zoom by Jack Moore)
  • Album-thumbnail slider (courtesy jQuery: bxSlider by Steven Wanderski)
  • Image tool tips (courtesy jQuery: EZPZ Tooltip by Mike Enriquez)
  • Single user file uploads
  • Batch inserts
  • User albums
  • Image rating system
  • Disqus comment integration
  • Category management
  • Combined user/admin functions
  • Folder management (creating/cleaning)
  • Ability to transfer images between users
  • Ability to transfer albums between users
  • Image re-sizing for all stored thumbnails
  • CSS-driven markup for modern browsers
  • Module-specific CSS file for use in each theme
  • nukeSEO DH support
  • Much more...

RN Gallery can be downloaded here. Note: free membership is required to download.


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