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 What is nukeSEO(tm) DH and how does it work? 

While working on the release of nukeSEO™ DH in conjunction with RavenNuke™ 2.4.0, we realized that, in addition to video previews, an overview would be helpful.  This describes the background influences that led to the creation of this evolution in on-page optimization for Nuke webmasters, provides an overview of how nukeSEO™ generates HEAD tags for a page, and identifies some possible future enhancements.

Several additional guides are also in the works, including:

  • nukeSEO™ DH User Guide (including a comparison of titles generated by TegoNuke™ Dynamic Titles and by nukeSEO™ DH)
  • nukeSEO™ DH Developer's Guide (how to develop additional module classes for use with nukeSEO)
  • nukeNAV™ Overview

Background Influences

PHP-Nuke, its distributions and derivatives (forks) have been limited to a single set of HEAD tags (title, META) specified by editing the META.php file, which severely limits the ability of search engines to properly classify pages and the ability for visitors to see meaningful titles and page descriptions. This “one-tag-fits-all,” site-level only approach failed to leverage the unique content attributes available at the category (e.g. forum category, news category), subcategory (e.g. forum, news topic) and content (e.g. forum topic, news story) levels, and also did not generate unique tags at the module level. Search engines are savvy to techniques that involving “spamming” the 3 key HEAD tags (title, META DESCRIPTION and META KEYWORDS) and often penalize (i.e. exclude or lower placement for) pages whose key tags don’t match the content of the page.

Ideally, the title, META DESCRIPTION and META KEYWORDS tags will be unique to each unique page of content, and the values of these HEAD tags will accurately reflect the content of the page. As early as 2003, Greg Schoper’s SN Dynamic Titles add-on enabled the title tag to be generated based on the content of certain modules at the category and content levels. This important innovation was later enhanced by Sixonetonoffun, based on suggestions by the SEO-focused webmaster, storebuilder. Later, Montego made additional improvements with assistance from Raven, introducing TegoNuke™ Dynamic Titles for RavenNuke™. In a separate effort, Stefvar used an object-oriented approach for the SV Titre Dynamique add-on that included classes that generated titles for 11 modules at the category and content levels. Meanwhile, jestrella introduced the Dynamic Keywords add-on that enabled keywords to be specified at the site and module levels.

nukeSEO DH

Building on the best ideas and techniques of all of these Nuke-based efforts and leveraging non-Nuke tools developed by others, nukeSEO™ Dynamic HEAD Tags (a.k.a. nukeSEO™ DH) enables sites running RavenNuke™ 2.4.0 and higher (and, later, any PHP-Nuke distribution) to dynamically generate and override HEAD tags at all levels (site, module, category, subcategory and content), using content to generate the title, META DESCRIPTION and META KEYWORDS tags. nukeSEO™ uses a slightly modified version of Ver Pangonilo’s Automatic Keyword Generator class to generate keywords and to exclude language-specific stop words (e.g. commonly-used short words, prepositions, etc.), as well as jjwdesign’s Simple Set of SEO Related Functions.

nukeSEO™ DH selects the first available override or generated tag from the current level or a higher level. For example, if a category description isn’t specified for a Downloads category and the META DESCRIPTION isn’t overridden for that category, nukeSEO™ DH will use the overridden META DESCRIPTION for the module, if that exists. If not, it will use the site-level META DESCRIPTION. Since the Downloads category title is required, nukeSEO™ DH will use this as the HEAD title. If a META KEYWORDS override is not defined for the Downloads category, and the Downloads category title and description contain sufficient keywords, nukeSEO™ DH will use that. If not, it will generate keywords from higher levels until sufficient keywords are generated.
Tag Generation Levels
1. Site
2. Module
3. Category
4. Subcategory
5. Content

nukeSEO™ DH allows site administrators to easily override the generated tags using a modal pop-up available on the page via a block (which also displays the current values of the generated tags) and via an option on the nukeNAV™ top menu. The popup allows the admin to maintain overrides for the current level and displays the generated tags for that level, which include tags generated from the current content and, if generated tags are insufficient, any overrides and generated tags defined at higher levels. Overrides can include variables: sitename (defined in site preferences), slogan (defined in site preferences), module name and year (i.e. show the current year in the copyright tag).

nukeSEO™ DH uses an object-oriented approach with classes created for 12 modules, similar to the approach used by the nukeSEO™ Sitemap module and nukeFEED™. The classes include the rules for identifying which fields are used to generate the tags and also for identifying categories, subcategories and content. This means that new classes can be added for additional modules without changing the existing code. Please see the nukeSEO DH Developer’s Guide for details on developing additional module classes.

 Several additional enhancements are planned for nukeSEO™ DH, including:

  • Additional configuration and admin functions
  • Ability to maintain / override all HEAD tags at all levels - not just the generated tags (title, DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS)
  • Additional (traditional) nukeSEO functions (mostly SEO analysis)


. Posted on Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 00:59:45 CDT by kguske   .
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