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 Mozilla and P2PU offer free HTML 5, CSS, JS courses and more 
Web Development

The School of Webcraft, a partnership between Mozilla and Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU), is offering free university level courses on HTML5, CSS and JS - key ingredients for modern web and mobile app development.  Classes start January 26, 2011, and last for 6 to 10 weeks.  Registration begins January 8, 2011, and suggestions for courses are still being accepted.  Will this interesting approach replace paid technical certification programs?

 From P2PU:

Mozilla and P2PU have teamed up to create the School of Webcraft, a powerful new way to teach and learn web developer skills. School of Webcraft courses are 100% free, globally accessible, and powered entirely by learners and mentors like you. The next School of Webcraft semester starts January 26, 2010 -- and we need *your* course ideas to make it a success. Course organisers volunteer to lead a group of peers through 6 to 10 weeks of online classes, with "hands on" project-based learning that's fun, practical and focused on open standards. You can use existing openly licensed course materials like the WaSP Interact Curriculum, or frame your course around a  series of questions and challenges your learning group works through together. Course organisers receive support in peer-learning facilitation and course design from P2PU and Mozilla. So don't be shy --suggest your January course idea now!

. Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2010 @ 09:49:00 CST by kguske   .