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Other professional PHP-Nuke enhancements, addons and tweaks are in the works. See nukePIE demo - using URL Trends RSS 2.0 feed below the menu on the left
Coming soon: How to SEO PHPNuke, a guide and checklist for PHP-Nuke search engine optimization
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nukePIE ™ is a replacement for the standard Nuke block feed reader and provides PHP-Nuke with the ability to:
- Display RSS 2.0, ATOM 1.0, or any properly-formed feed in Nuke blocks
- Display feed item descriptions as either full-HTML tool tips or as title tags for the link
nukePIE™ performs the opposite function of nukeFEED™: nukeFEED™ generates feeds from PHP-Nuke content, and nukePIE™ consumes (or reads) feeds from any source. nukePIE™ uses the SimplePie class and BoxOver script.
nukeFEED ™ provides PHP-Nuke with the ability to:
- syndicate most types of content and easily add additional content types
- use modern syndication formats like ATOM and RSS 2.0
- significantly improve standards compliance (verses the 10 most recent news stories via the standard PHP-Nuke RSS 0.91 backend.php feed)
- display a feed map in both HTML and OMPL formats
- support auto-discovery of published (active) feeds
- define syndication feeds with more detailed attributes, including multiple sort orders (e.g. recent, popular, highest rated) at multiple levels (module, category, forum, etc.) and for a specified number of items
- maintain a list of feed aggregators and provide subscription links to these aggregators or any feed reader
- integrate with FeedBurner to cache feeds, track and report usage statistics, monetize feeds through advertising and more
- preview feeds to help visitors determine to which feeds they want to subscribe
nukeSEO ™ includes several advanced tools and services designed to improve the search engine placement of PHP-Nuke sites and to make PHPNuke SEO friendly. This PHP-Nuke addon provides a methodical approach similar to offline commercial tools like WebCEO (for free, of course!) and includes these functions:
- Review and validate your robots.txt file
- Research keywords, including keyword relevancy, keyword density, "suggest keywords" / similar keywords function via Wordtracker and Overture, and competitive analysis by keyword
- Maintain your meta tags
- Generate and submit Google sitemaps (sitemap.xml)
- Submit your site to major search engines
- Monitor results, including keyword ranking / position (SERP), search engine saturation, link popularity, and (tentatively) Alexa traffic ranking
nukseSEO administration screenshot |
nukeWYSIWYG™ provides a flexible, integrated "what- you- see- is- what- you- get" HTML editor for PHP-Nuke without sacrificing security. nukeWYSIWYG uses FCKeditor 2.3.2 and the kses HTML filtering class to check HTML. Integrated into RavenNuke™, nukeWYSIWYG™ is a powerful visual HTML editor for PHP-Nuke with many features, including:
- WYSIWYG HTML editing with support for common browsers, including IE, Firefox, and Netscape
- on/off switch at the site or module level
- support for standard "display-as-you-go" or template-based ("build, then display") approaches
- automatic disable when accessed by crawlers to save bandwidth
- multiple toolbar configurations to address functionality, performance, and security
- dynamic configuration of the editor size via the rows parameter
- dynamic detection of subdomain and subfolder implementations (modification of FCKeditor)
nukeSEO Social Bookmarking provides a flexible way to bookmark news on popular social bookmarking sites like Digg, del.icio.us, furl, reddit, tecnorati, Yahoo MyWeb, and many more. Social bookmarks help improve search engine rankings and increase traffic. nukeSEO SB was designed to enable social bookmarking links in graphic or text formats for any content type.
Specific instructions and examples are included for:
- PHPNuke / RavenNuke News
- NSN News 1.x
- NSN News 2.x
Also includes nukeSEO Social Bookmarking blocks.
The nukeSEO Mouse Hover over Topic BoxOver popup forums mod provides BoxOver popups in the viewforum and search pages of the Forums module.
BoxOver's use of the title tag enhances search engine optimization in addition to improving usability in the forums by displaying the last message in the topic. This enables visitors to see the discussion before navigating to the topic.
NOTE: Includes BoxOver 2.1 from http://boxover.swazz.org